Ronald Reagan had his jelly beans, Poppy Bush had his pork rinds and Mitt Romney has his - meatloaf cakes? "Meatloaf cakes," Mr. Romney affirmed from the...
Many Greeks love giant white lima beans. This recipe is an adaptation of a dish prepared by the Greek chef Jim Botsacos for a Clean Monday celebration...
Green garlic has a small window. At the beginning of the season the bulbs look more like leeks or spring onions than garlic, as they have not yet set cloves....
The New York City Greenmarket Web site has a handy table that shows what's available during each month of the year. It tells me, for example, that fresh...
This light side dish is inspired by a more substantial pork, cucumber and garlic dish in Grace Young's "Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge." I'd never thought...
This dish is a midwinter night's dream come true. It looks like a thick pancake of hash browns, crusty on the outside, almost pudding-like inside, using...
These high-protein burgers are a great way to edge away from beef and still feel like you're eating a burger. If you sear them quickly they'll be nice...
Rice noodles are delicate and light, and especially welcome to those who are gluten-intolerant. You might find it easier to use tongs for this once you've...
"Steamed chicken is not the kind of dish that makes my mouth water," Melissa Clark wrote in 2011, when bringing this recipe to The Times. But she made...
Pasta companies have made great strides when it comes to whole-grain pasta. On the small scale, Community Grains in Northern California is producing some...
Seasoned oils like the wasabi oil I buy at my local specialty grocery can embellish a simply cooked piece of fish, a bowl of grains or steamed vegetables....
Sprouting any grain increases its nutritional value by making its nutrients more bio-available, among them calcium. But it's the flavor and texture of...
If you use white beans for this savory dish, the beet greens will infuse them with a lovely pink hue. Even more standout is the savory/umami flavor that...
This rub comes from Alan Ashkinaze, the longtime chef de cuisine for Laurent Manrique, a celebrity chef of sorts. Steak, in Mr. Ashkinaze's view, is crucial...
This potato recipe is based on tartiflette, a Savoy dish. Waxy potatoes are simmered with white wine, onion and lardons, then smothered with a heady cheese...
The last time I was in Chinon, I had lunch at a charming restaurant, Au Plaisir Gourmand. The name is fitting: Chinon was the birthplace of Rabelais, who...